If we call a function without argument, it calls default value.
def our_function(state = “Karnataka”):
print(“I am from “ + state)
Blogger, Engineer & Entrepreneur
Add two asterisks ** before arguments if number of keyword arguments is not known.
def my_optionals(**subject):
print(“His language optional is “ + subject[“lang”])
my_optionals(math = “algebra”, lang = “French”)
Key, value pair arguments can be given to functions in python.
The order can be arbitrary.
def my_subjects(subject3, subject2, subject1):
print(“The first subject is “ + subject1)
my_subjects(subject1 = “English”, subject2 = “Kannada”, subject3 = “Hindi”)
When in doubt about number of arguments, add * before the argument.
def world_cup(*teams):
print(“The World Cup teams are “ + teams[2])
world_cup(“India”, “South Africa”, “Australia”)
A function must have as many arguments as defined. If the number of arguments is less or more it will give an error.
def name_function(firstname, lastname):
print(firstname + ” “ + lastname)
name_function(“Raj”, “Kumar”)
Arguments are passed inside parentheses.
def our_second_function(firstname):
print(firstname + “Raj”)
There can be as many arguments as required, separated by a comma(,).
def our_first_function():
print(“Hello enterprising people”)our_first_function()
In the above example, def is a keyword.
It is used to define a function.
According to White House sources US will soon open Consulate Offices in Bengaluru and Ahmedabad.
This development will help Visa seekers within Karnataka and nearby states to get their Visa’s approved in Bengaluru.
Column family databases are used to store unstructured, tabular data made up of rows and columns.