Statistics of Week 3 – 17th to 23rd June 2019 for MOHANMA.COM
Unique visitors for MOHANMA.COM inclusive of first three weeks of June 2019 is 1158.
Number of visits between June 17 to June 23 is 1291.
21st June 2019 had the highest number of visits – 251.
Average hits received per day is 1002.
Thanks to everyone who have been visiting the site.
Quote for the day – 24th June 2019
Think big start with one step and then compound your steps.
Quote for the day – 23rd June 2019
Smile and laughter are siblings.
Health tip for the day – 22nd June 2019
Hygiene and health go hand in hand.
Quote for the day – 21st June 2019
Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga are different forms of Yoga which are inherent in everyday activities and are related directly to us.
Quote for the day – 20th June 2019
Enthusiasm is a conscious decision.
Welcome to LINUX
What is LINUX ?
LINUX is an operating system.
What is Linux Mint ?
Linux Mint is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu/Debian.
Where can we get Linux Mint ?
We can get Mint from it’s official page here.
Select 32-bit or 64 bit editions based on your system configuration and download it, download versions which are at-least 6 months old. Because user support would be available more for a older version than a newer version.
Once you have downloaded the Linux distro(iso image), burn it into a pen drive or CD/DVD.
We can create a live USB by using UNetbootin.
Partition the disk space on your hard disk so as to accommodate Linux, keep the formatted disk space in FAT format.
Plug-in the live USB/Bootable CD-DVD into your system and restart the system.
Press F2(windows users) and follow the installation instructions on the screen.
After completing the installation plugin to the internet, at times there would be wi-fi issues because of driver inavailability. It can be resolved by following the instructions on this page.
Linux offers a wide avenue for developers, moreover it’s a Free-distro, anyone can use it.
It has a community which can be followed at this page. There is askubuntu to resolve issues related to ubuntu/linux.
So, open Terminal and start working.
$ Welcome to LINUX
Quote for the day – 18th June 2019
A creator must know his audience.
Statistics of Week 2 – 10th to 16th June 2019 for MOHANMA.COM
Unique visitors for MOHANMA.COM in the 1st and 2nd week of June 2019 inclusive is 949.
Number of visits between June 10 to June 16 is 1677.
14th June 2019 had the highest number of visits – 292.
Average hits received per day is 1054.
Thanks to everyone who have been visiting the site.